Browse our videos! Here you can find recordings from our events, including the European Remembrance Symposia and Genealogies of Memory conferences, video summaries of our educational youth projects, as well as Hi-story lessons animations for teachers and pupils.

Sound in the Silence | 2022—2023

language: English
duration: 23:41

Sound in the Silence is an intercultural and international remembrance project for youth. At historically challenging locations students work with artists representing different artistic fields in order to understand how the past is connected to their questions in the present.

This video portrays the editions of 2022, which took place in Lithuania at the Kaunas 9th Fort and in Austria at Gusen & Mauthausen Memorial Sites, and 2023, which took place in Germany at the House of the Wannsee Conference and Croatia at the Jasenovac Memorial Site.

Sound in the Silence is co-funded by the European Union.

language: English
duration: 23:41