cover image of Conference: The Politics of Memory as a Weapon: Perspectives on Russia’s War against Ukraine, 8–10 February 2023, Berlin project

    Conference 'The Politics of Memory as a Weapon: Perspectives on Russia’s War against Ukraine' 8-10 February, Berlin

    The conference 'The Politics of Memory as a Weapon: Perspectives on Russia’s War against Ukraine' aims to examine the mechanisms and methods used in the political and social implementation of historical disinformation, the portrayal of the enemy, and discuss ways in which these can be prevented or mitigated. This will entail a (self-)critical analysis of political and scholarly dealings with history in various European countries. We shall also reflect on what happens when warnings from political and academic voices are not taken seriously enough, and on the consequences of the way in which attention has shifted from Russia to Ukraine.
    The crucial questions to be discussed during the conference include the following:
    When is it appropriate not only to speak out in contradiction, but to engage in political or even judicial countermeasures when dealing with widely divergent interpretations or indeed the falsification of historical facts? Where do propaganda and social manipulation begin? What can or should we expect from ‘public intellectuals’ in times of war and crisis? How can we ensure that civil society is enlightened and immunised, while at the same time guaranteeing the free exchange of ideas and historical interpretations? How effective can literature and art be in this endeavour? Is it possible for the concepts used in public history to be properly understood, and what part can dissidents play here? What digital tools can be deployed to deflect propaganda and trolls on social media?
    The conference 'The Politics of Memory as a Weapon: Perspectives on Russia’s War against Ukraine' will take place onsite at the Documentation Centre for Displacement, Expulsion, Reconciliation in Berlin. Entrance for the public: Stresemannstraße 90, 10963 Berlin

    The event will be streamed online.

    Conference languages: English and partly German

    click here

    Programme and details:
    click here

    European Network Remembrance and Solidarity (ENRS, Warsaw) and Federal Institute for Culture and History of the Germans in Eastern Europe (Oldenburg) in cooperation with the Documentation Centre for Displacement, Expulsion, Reconciliation in Berlin.