About projects

The purpose of the ENRS is to promote the study of 20th-century European history and remembrance. Our projects include annual academic and networking events, as well as a diverse range of cultural initiatives and educational campaigns. See below for more information on our activities.

Ongoing ENRS projects

Zrozumieć Pamięć | To Understand Memory: Between Academic and Literary Writing

Archive of finalised projects

Conference "The Politics of Memory as a Weapon: Perspectives on Russia’s War against Ukraine"

The Coming of Nazi Occupation: Patterns of continuity and changes in Jewish and Polish life, 1939-1941

“What’s the point of history… if we never learn?” Dialogue, Remembrance and Solidarity in Europe

“The Light Comes from the West!” The Politics of Eastern European Migration during the Cold War

Memory and Identity in Post-Soviet Space: Georgia and the Caucasus in a Broader Eastern European Context

Reconciliation in progress. The Roman Catholic Church and German-Polish relations after 1945 exhibition

Oral history in Central-Eastern Europe: current research areas, challenges and specificity

Visualisations of 20th-century Forced Migrations – Transnational Memory in Pictures and Art

National Socialism and Regional Identity in Eastern Europe. Ideology, Expansion of Power, Persistence

The Transformation of Memory after 1945: European Perspectives on the City, Migration and Remembrance

The Roots of the Collapse of the Soviet Union and the Eastern Bloc - Economic Aspects

"Freedom Bell" - concert on the 60th anniversary of establishment of the Polish Section of Radio Free Europe

'Auschwitz. What am I doing here?' - Mikołaj Grynberg's exhibition in Swedish Riksdag

Lieux de Mémoire in East Central Europe. Experiences of the past and perspectives

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