WWII 80 Years After
Grandparents. Grand stories.
European Remembrance Symposium
Genealogies of Memory
Zrozumieć Pamięć | To Understand Memory: Between Academic and Literary Writing
WWII 80 Years After. Challenges for remembrance and historical education
After the Great War
Between Life and Death
International Holocaust Remembrance Day
Remember. August 23
Hi-story Lessons
Sound in the Silence
In Between?
Freedom of Speech Beyond Borders
European Remembrance and Solidarity Publishing Series
Freedom Festival
Archive of finalised projects
Conference "The Politics of Memory as a Weapon: Perspectives on Russia’s War against Ukraine"
Cultural Pluralism and Identity in European Politics after 1945
Disinformation in Memory Politics: Practices and Ways of Prevention
1989. Changes and challenges
The Coming of Nazi Occupation: Patterns of continuity and changes in Jewish and Polish life, 1939-1941
Pact for War. Hitler–Stalin Collusion of 23 August 1939
Different memories. Common future
How to narrate the history of Europe?
History as an Instrument of Contemporary International Conflicts
The outcast from the power
“What’s the point of history… if we never learn?” Dialogue, Remembrance and Solidarity in Europe
“The Light Comes from the West!” The Politics of Eastern European Migration during the Cold War
Europe on the Move: A Debate on the Centenary of the Treaty of Lausanne
Enno Meyer: Life and Works
The Prague Spring 50 Years After
Central and Eastern Europe after the First World War
Venues of victims // Venues of perpetrators
Memory, Identity and Historical Experiences in the Context of Political Culture
Christian Churches in the Soviet Bloc
Research on knowledge and attitudes of youth towards totalitarianisms
Conference: Thinking through the Future of Memory
The promotion of national minorities by their 'mother countries'
‘Poland-Hungary 1956. Context and memory’ debate
Christians under totalitarian rule from 1945 to circa 1960
Remembrance & Solidarity Studies
Anti-Semitism as a tool for communist regimes
Memory and Identity in Post-Soviet Space: Georgia and the Caucasus in a Broader Eastern European Context
Freedom Express
Isolated or Entangled Histories?
Reconciliation in progress. The Roman Catholic Church and German-Polish relations after 1945 exhibition
Whose memory? Migrations and Memory of Cities
Oral history in Central-Eastern Europe: current research areas, challenges and specificity
Memory in Poland of the rescuers and the rescued from the Holocaust
Conference: From the Poison Cabinets of Communism
Smolensk Portraits – an exhibition in Piłsudski Square in Warsaw
Vanished places – reception and memory of sites of totalitarian violence
János Esterházy in the context of the Central European dialogue
Visualisations of 20th-century Forced Migrations – Transnational Memory in Pictures and Art
Political exile from Central and Eastern Europe
National Socialism and Regional Identity in Eastern Europe. Ideology, Expansion of Power, Persistence
Memory of Everyday Collaboration with the Communist Regimes in Eastern Europe
The Transformation of Memory after 1945: European Perspectives on the City, Migration and Remembrance
We shall remember / Emlékeinkben. Andrzej Przewoźnik. 1963–2010. Katyń
Europe Station - Divided Europe
“Remember Europe” Summer Youth Camp and Workshop in Hungary
Everyday life in the shadow of a border
Conference 'European Parliament - the East Returns to the West'
International Conference ‘What was Communism - Ideology and Implementation’
International Conference 'Anti-Semitism in Central Eastern Europe'
The Roots of the Collapse of the Soviet Union and the Eastern Bloc - Economic Aspects
Conference Modern Forms of Commemoration of the Sites of Totalitarian Genocide
Documentary film: “Central Europe goes to freedom”
PAREVO International Documentary Festival in Warsaw
"Freedom Bell" - concert on the 60th anniversary of establishment of the Polish Section of Radio Free Europe
History – memory – identity in humanist education
Images of others in Central and Eastern Europe
PAREVO International Documentary Festival
Occupation children in Austria and Germany
Panel discussion on censorship
History at Hand - competition for high school youth
Legal Settlement of Communist Crimes – conference in European Parliament
'Auschwitz. What am I doing here?' - Mikołaj Grynberg's exhibition in Swedish Riksdag
International Festival of History "Anamneses"
Region, State, Europe
Europeans after Auschwitz and Kolyma
"Melon mayonnaise" documentary
Conference "The loneliness of victims"
Reshaping the Image of democratic Revolutions 1989
Conference "Anti-Communist Resistance in Central and Eastern Europe"
Film Festival: "Who’s into historical cinema? Phantoms of Freedom"
Józef Tischner International Congress
Conference "Anti-Semitic legislation in Slovakia and in Europe"
Conference "Divided Regions – Divided Historical Cultures?"
Film "Quietly Against the Tide"
Lieux de Mémoire in East Central Europe. Experiences of the past and perspectives