cover image of Sound in the Silence 2025 project


    Sound in the Silence is an intercultural and international remembrance project designed for youth. At historically significant locations, high school students collaborate with artists from various disciplines to explore how the past connects to their present-day questions and experiences.

    Through artistic workshops, it provides young people with new perspectives on European history, encouraging them to develop  their own understanding using different means of expression. To date, the project has been organized in various locations, including Memorial Places Neuengamme, Ravensbrück, Auschwitz-Birkenau, Gusen-Mauthausen, as well as Denkort Bunker Valentin, Kaunas 9th Fort Museum, Warsaw, Jasenovac, and Pitesti. This year, Sound in the Silence will take place in Pruszków, Poland.

    Pruszków, Poland

    27 September – 05 October 2025

    “Warsaw passed through here” - what stories remain?

    The 2025 edition of Sound in the Silence will take place in Pruszków, Poland, focusing on the history of the Dulag 121 transit camp.

    Dulag 121 was established by Nazi Germany and served as a transit camp for between 390,000 and 650,000 inhabitants of Warsaw who were expelled from their city during and after the Warsaw Uprising (1.08-2.10.1944) The camp was located on the premises of the Railway Repair Workshops in Pruszków. From there, people were transported to labour camps in the Third Reich, various concentration camps, or deeper into the General Government.
    The voice of civilians from Warsaw and nearby areas have been absent for many years in public discourse, as the history of the Warsaw Uprising has only been told from the perspective of those who were fighting in combat, Home Army (AK) soldiers. The mission of the Dulag 121 Museum is to preserve historical memory, collect information, and recount the fate and the stories of ordinary people driven from Warsaw during the Uprising and those who were dedicated to helping them.

    While traveling to Pruszków by train, one passes by the sign on the wall: Warsaw passed through here. This is one of the few signs commemorating the fate of civilians during and after the Warsaw Uprising.
    This significant lack of acknowledgement  was the reason why Pruszków was chosen as the location for Sound in the Silence 2025. While all the former camp buildings have been transformed into industrial spaces, one can still encounter railway halls in Dulag 121.

    Through artistic expression, young participants will explore the stories of those who experienced Dulag 121, reflecting on their resilience and the hardship experienced there. By uncovering the remnants and personal stories associated with Dulag 121, Sound in the Silence in Pruszków seeks to illuminate the often overlooked aspects of the Second World War history, ensuring that the memories of those who suffered are honoured and preserved for future generations.

    For students, this immersive experience will foster a deeper understanding of history’s impact on individuals and communities, creating a bridge between the past with the present.


    Teachers are welcome to send their application via an online form by 04 May 2025.

    1. Before applying, please read our Rules of Application:
    2. Fill out the application form  here.

    Setting the Stage

    cover image of It all started with a song…
    Dan Wolf

    It all started with a song…


    About the Artists

    Profile image of Dan Wolf Profile image of Dan Wolf

    Dan Wolf


    Dan Wolf is a hip-hop artist who works with rap, theater, personal narrative, and history to give voice to the problematic world we live in. His multi-sensory work draws its power from years of experience working, teaching, and performing with the critically acclaimed hip-hop music and theatre collective Felonious. His projects have traveled all around the world from concert halls to museums to schools and memorial sites where he engages history and culture as a prompt to make vital music and theater that can only live in this moment. He is the Artistic Director of Sound in the Silence and a co-founder of both the Bay Area Theatre Cypher and Felonious. He is a board member of the Playwrights Foundation and a member of the Recording Academy and Actors Equity Association.

    Profile image of Kat Rampackova Profile image of Kat Rampackova

    Kat Rampackova


    Kat Rampackova is a choreographer, dance activist, and dance facilitator from Košice, Slovakia, specializing in interdisciplinary and inclusive dance projects. She is the co-founder of PST – Space of Contemporary Dance in Košice, and the dramaturg for Move Fest Košice, an annual festival of contemporary dance and new circus. Currently based in Barcelona, Kat is expanding her expertise in somatic practices through Body-Mind Centering. Since 2009, she has been a freelance choreographer and performer, with a focus on inclusion and artistic projects for children, as well as dance and site-specific performances in both traditional and non-traditional settings. Since 2016, Kat has been a choreographer for Sound in the Silence. Her work emphasizes cross-cultural communication, community-building, and the integration of art and education.

    Profile image of Sean Palmer Profile image of Sean Palmer

    Sean Palmer


    Sean Palmer (1977) trained in theatre and arts in Manchester Metropolitan University, UK. After almost a decade of theatrical collaborations between PL and the UK, he moved to PL permanently. He is an active creator, collaborator and educator. Between 2010 and 2020 he ran his own experimental choir - GRE BADANIE - exploring the boundaries of sound and energy as a carrier of meaning. 2014 - 2018 he was the resident artistic director/conductor of the POLIN choir which performed original material concerts twice a year alongside current exhibitions. He currently co-runs MONT - a youth orchestra and a fun community choir for foreigners with the support of artistic institutions Warsaw. Sean is not a trained musician, but has found himself composing for theatre, dance and choirs as well as singing and recording in multifarious settings. Since 2015 he is the front man of the White Kites (Missing, Devillusion) and jazz trio William’s Things (William’s Things, A Heart Not all of Wood, The Robots are Coming). Every day Sean works as VO artist from his studio in Warsaw. Apart from all the above ‘arty stuff’, he’s also a dad, a husband, has two kids, two cats, loves running and doesn’t eat animals.

    About the Educators

    Profile image of Tetiana Kriukovska Profile image of Tetiana Kriukovska

    Tetiana Kriukovska


    Tetiana Kriukovska was born and raised Donetsk, Ukraine, where she worked as a filmmaker. After the Russian annexation of Crimea in 2014 she founded the NGO Tolerance in You, which organises exchange programs for young people from Germany, Poland and Ukraine and which trains international educators who want to specialise in the topic of war. Tetiana moved to Germany in March 2022, where she worked as a project coordinator for the Ukrainian-Polish-German education network LIKHTAR at the educational institute in Bredbeck. Tetiana’s expertise includes filmmaking, international youth work, moderation in non-formal education and intercultural dialogue. Her long-time experience of working with youth in a sensitive and creative way makes her an excellent educator. During the Sound in the Silence project, Tetiana will be responsible for ensuring the participants’ wellbeing, offering them tools to reflect and focus on personal feelings towards what they have learnt. She will also facilitate collaboration and group dynamics. Her dream is to organise Sound in the Silence in Ukraine one day, fostering a new culture of remembrance of the war in her country.

    Workshops for teachers

    While students take part in their activities, accompanying teachers will have the opportunity to participate in dedicated workshops. Over the course of four days, educators will engage in sessions designed to provide inspiration, new perspectives, and practical tools for the classroom.

    More details on this year’s workshop program will be available soon!

    Project Coordinators

    The coordinators of the 2025 edition of Sound in the Silence are Justyna Radziukiewicz, Dagmara Chełstowska and Verena Böhnisch.

    Contact: or

    Read more about Justyna.
    Read more about Dagmara.
    Read more about Verena.



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