Help to carry out a research on children fathered by foreign soldiers and born to Polish mothers during or right after the Second World War.
CHIBOW is an Innovative Training Network of over 20 organisations. It enables academics to undertake PhDs in the field of Children Born of War: children fathered by foreign soldiers and born to local mothers. The research focuses on experiences of children born of war in the context of four 20th century conflict scenarios: the European experience of the Second World War, experience in the Pacific theatre of war, the colonial experience, and the post-colonial conflicts.
Jakub Gałęziowski from University of Augsburg is a member of the CHIBOW Network. His research is devoted to children born to Polish women during or right after the Second World War. He is currently looking for interviewees which would be willing to share their experiences with him. You can contact him via e-mail: Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. Aby go zobaczyć, konieczne jest włączenie obsługi JavaScript.
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