ENRS among the partners of Venues of victims // Venues of perpetrators

ENRS among the partners of "Venues of victims // Venues of perpetrators"

ENRS among the partners of Venues of victims // Venues of perpetrators

The international initiative is aimed at educators and youth workers.

ENRS has the pleasure to be one of the partners of the programme "Venues of victims // Venues of perpetrators. Mapping, decoding & processing the role of historical - civic education in (European) Youth Work".

The goal of the project is to address the challenges of educational work within the democratic citizenship and human rights framework; to enable exchange of experiences between educators from different European countries and explore possibilities for future development. This is being achieved by creating opportuinities for youth workers and educators to further raise their skills and widen their perspectives via series of international meetings held in different parts of Europe. By doing so, organisers also hope to establish a sustainable cooperation structure between different institutions of historical and political /civic education (places of remembrance, research institutions, educational establishments and other institutions of youth education).

After a kick-off seminar in Weimar, Germany in April, and a training course in Poznan, Poland in May, the upcoming events within the project include:

Other partners of the "Venues of victims // Venues of perpetrators" project are:

In Flanders Fields Museum (Belgium)
Documenta - Center for Dealing with the Past (Croatia)
Ustav Pro Studium Totalitnich Rezimu (Czech Republic)
Sihtasutus Eesti Mälu Instituut (Estonia)
Maison d'Izieu mémorial des enfants juifs (France)
Stiftung Europäische Jugendbildungs- und Jugendbegegnungsstätte Weimar (Germany)
Lietuvos gyventoju genocido ir rezistencijos tyrimo centras (Lithuania)
Narviksenteret (Norway)
Stowarzyszenie Jeden Świat (Poland)
UMAR - União de Mulheres Alternativa e Resposta (Portugal)
Socialna Akademija - Zavod Za Izobrazevanje, Raziskovanje in Kulturo (Slovenia)
Asociacion de Investigacion por la Paz Gernika Gogoratuz (Spain)

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