Keynote lecture
Alina Bârgăoanu: Challenges to the post-1989 liberal order: the response from Central and Eastern Europe
Session One/First Panel: The end of the Cold War and the fall of communism in Europe
Adrian Pop: The role of geopolitical factors in the fall of communism in Central and Eastern European countries
Ferenc Miszlivetz: The fall of communism in Hungary
Anthony Kemp-Welch: 1989: The Polish paradigm
Moderators: Florin Abraham and Ion M. Ioniță
Second Panel
Michael Gehler: The end of the communist regime in the German Democratic Republic
Oldřich Tůma: The fall of communism in Czechoslovakia (Czech perspective)
Peter Jašek: The collapse of communism in Czechoslovakia (Slovak perspective)
Third Panel
Jordan Baev: The fall of communism in Bulgaria
Dragos Petrescu: The collapse of communism in Romania (international dimension)
Constantin Hlihor: Romanian Revolution of December 1989 (internal dimension)
Moderators: Octavian Roske and Adrian Pop
Session Two/First Panel: Transition to democracy and market economy. Challenges of populism
Mihail E.Ionescu: The role of geopolitical factors in the transition to democracy in Central and Eastern European countries