cover image of 1989 - Annus Mirabilis. Three Decades After project

    19 - 20 Nov 2019, Bucharest

    1989 - Annus Mirabilis. Three Decades After: Desires, Achievements and Future

    The conference is one of events organised in cooperation with ENRS on the 30th anniversary of the democratic revolutions of 1989.

    Register for the conference

    The conference will be held in English and Romanian and simultaneously translated into Romanian and English.
    Venue: Blvd. Expozitiei no.30A, Conference Hall


    19/11/2019 Tuesday

    Welcome & opening
    Keynote lecture
    Alina Bârgăoanu: Challenges to the post-1989 liberal order: the response from Central and Eastern Europe
    Session One/First Panel: The end of the Cold War and the fall of communism in Europe
    Adrian Pop: The role of geopolitical factors in the fall of communism in Central and Eastern European countries
    Ferenc Miszlivetz: The fall of communism in Hungary
    Anthony Kemp-Welch: 1989: The Polish paradigm

    Moderators: Florin Abraham and Ion M. Ioniță
    Second Panel
    Michael Gehler: The end of the communist regime in the German Democratic Republic
    Oldřich Tůma: The fall of communism in Czechoslovakia (Czech perspective)
    Peter Jašek: The collapse of communism in Czechoslovakia (Slovak perspective)
    Coffee break
    Third Panel
    Jordan Baev: The fall of communism in Bulgaria
    Dragos Petrescu: The collapse of communism in Romania (international dimension)
    Constantin Hlihor: Romanian Revolution of December 1989 (internal dimension)

    Moderators: Octavian Roske and Adrian Pop
    Session Two/First Panel: Transition to democracy and market economy. Challenges of populism
    Mihail E.Ionescu: The role of geopolitical factors in the transition to democracy in Central and Eastern European countries

    20/11/2019 Wednesday

    Second Panel
    Attila Antal: Neoliberalization and democratization? Economic and political transition in Hungary
    Łukasz Kamiński: The main features of political and economic transition in Poland
    Daniela Kolenovská: Trends of political and economic transition in Czech Republic
    Juraj Marusiak: Slovakia: features of political and economic transition

    Moderators: Ana-Maria Cătănuș and Peter Jašek
    Coffee break
    Third Panel
    Bogdana Todorova: Bulgaria: directions and outcomes of the political and economic transition
    Daunis Auers: From the Soviet Union to the European Union: a quarter of a century of political and economic transformation in the three Baltic States of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania
    Dan Dungaciu: The main features of political and economic transition in the Republic of Moldova
    Florin Abraham: The labyrinth of transition in Romania
    End of conference


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    Event organised as a part of the 1989. Changes and Challanges framework
    logo of 1989 changes & challenges RO
    With the financial support of:
    logo of RO Ministry