cover image of Disinformation in Memory Politics: First Panel Discussion project

    Disinformation in Memory Politics: First Panel Discussion

    Case studies of disinformation in the field of memory politics (historical approaches: totalitarian regimes)

    The event will take place on 11 May 2021 at 16:30–18:30 CEST.

    Watch 'Disinformation in Memory Politics' (day 1) on YouTube



    Prof. Octavian Roske (The National Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism at the Romanian Academy)

    Associate Professor at the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literature, Head of English Department and Director of the Centre for American Studies at the University of Bucharest. He is also Senior Researcher and Scientific Director of the National Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism, Romanian Academy. Fields of research: collectivization of agriculture, repression and forms of resistance during communist rule in Romania. Editor-in-chief of Arhivele totalitarismului [Archives of Totalitarianism] and General Editor of Mecanisme represive în România 1945–1989. Dicționar biografic [Repressive Mechanisms in Romania, 1945–1989], Bucharest, Institutul National pentru Studiul Totalitarismului, 2001–2011. He has also published România 1945–1989. Enciclopedia regimului communist. Represiunea [Romania 1945–1989. Encyclopaedia of the communist regime. Repression], Bucharest, Institutul National pentru Studiul Totalitarismului, 2011–2016.



    Prof. Richard Overy (University of Exeter)

    Honorary Research Professor at the University of Exeter, UK. Fields of research: European dictatorships, the Second World War and the history of airpower. He is the author of more than 30 books. Recent publication: The Bombing War: Europe 1939–1945, Allen Lane, 2013. His next book Blood and Ruins: The Great Imperial War 1931–1945, Allen Lane, will be published in 2021.


    Dr Łukasz Adamski (Centre for Polish-Russian Dialogue and Understanding)

    Historian, Deputy Director of the Centre for Polish–Russian Dialogue and Understanding. Fields of research: Russian foreign policy, Russian and Ukrainian politics of memory and history of Polish–Russian/Soviet relations. Recently published: Łukasz Adamski and Bartłomiej Gajos (eds.), Circles of the Russian Revolution. Internal and International Consequences of the Year 1917 in Russia, Routledge, 2019; Łukasz Adamski, Grzegorz Hryciuk (eds.), Wołyń i Galicja za drugiego Sowieta [Volhynia and Galicia when the Red Army returned], Warsaw, Centre for Polish–Russian Dialogue and Understanding, 2019.


    Prof. Helmut Müller-Enbergs (University of Southern Denmark)

    Professor at the Centre for Cold War Studies (Department of History) at the University of Southern Denmark. He has worked as a research assistant at the Free University’s Central Research Institute. From 1992 until 2019, he was a research officer with the Federal Commission for the Stasi Records (Bundesbeauftragter für die Stasi-Unterlagen). Since 2015, Head of counterintelligence for the state of Berlin. Fields of research: detailed investigation of informal collaborators (Inoffizielle Mitarbeiter) and the Main Intelligence Administration (Hauptverwaltung Aufklärung) of the East German Ministry for State Security as well espionage and intelligence service psychology. Recently published: three volumes on informal collaborators in the German Democratic Republic under the general title Inoffizielle Mitarbeiter des Ministeriums für Staatssichercheit (ed.), (with Sven Max Litzcke and Dietrich Ungerer) Intelligence-Service Psychology, Frankfurt am Main, Verlag für Polizei Wissenschaft, 2008; (with Thomas Wegener Friis, ed.) DDR-Spionage. Von Albanien bis Grossbritannien, Frankfurt am Main, Verlag für Polizei Wissenschaft, 2018.


    Prof. Marcela Sălăgean (Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca)

    Professor at Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca (Romania) at the Faculty of History and Philosophy and the Department of International Studies and Contemporary History. Fields of research: contemporary history of Romania, Transylvania in 20th-century international relations and Romanian foreign policy analysis in the 20th century. Member of the ENRS Advisory Board. Author, co-author and coordinator of 19 volumes and several dozen studies and articles dealing with topics in the field of Romania’s contemporary history and international relations. Recently published: ’Entre nazisme et communisme. Entre diplomatie et sécurité. Le statut international de la Roumanie de 1933 à 1939‘ [Between Nazism and Communism. Between diplomacy and security. The international status of Romania from 1933 until 1939] in The 20th Century. Between War and Peace. Romania in the Turmoil of History/Secolul XX. Între război şi pace. România în tumultul istoriei/ Le XXe siècle. Entre la guerre et la paix. La Roumanie dans la tourmente de l’histoire, Dumitru Preda (ed.), Bucureşti, Cavallioti, 2020, p. 149–157; ‘Schimbări în Europa după Marele Război‘ [Changes in Europe after the Great War] in Marina Trufan and Marius Mureșan (coord.), Multiculturalism în Transilvania după Conferința de Pace de la Paris [Multicuturalism in Transylvania after the Paris Peace Conference], Cluj-Napoca, Casa Cărții de Știință, 2019, p. 13–26.