Would you like to showcase your latest project among peers from other countries?
Or maybe you are you looking for partners for future initiatives?
During turbo presentations we give the floor to our participants! Each speaker has up to 90 seconds to present their organisation or project to the audience of the Symposium.
The turbo presentations take place on Tuesday, 26 October 2021, between 17:00 and 18:00.
If you would like to take part and present, please:
a) register for the Symposium via an online form (if you have not already done so);
b) …and then send your proposal with your name and a short description (up to 500 characters) to: europeanremembrance@enrs.eu. Please indicate if you would like to screen any images, slides or a short presentation. Your proposal should be sent no later than 6 October 2021.
If you are unable to attend this event in person, you can still join us! Add a recording of your presentation to your proposal and send it to us no later than 6 October 2021.