Go through our publications! At ENRS, we want to create a forum for exchange of opinions between historians, social studies scholars, and representatives of other disciplines engaged in memory studies. One of the ways of achieving this goal is by publishing our own annual journal "Remembrance and Solidarity Studies", as well as supporting external publications focused on remembrance and history of the 20th century in Europe.

Photo of the publication Enno Meyer: Leben und Wirken
Multiple authors

Enno Meyer: Leben und Wirken

language: German
  • Enno Meyer
  • European Personalities of the 20th Century

The following five articles in German arose from the workshop and provide insight into Meyer’s life and career, his work in schools and his commitment to German-Polish understanding. They also describe the influences on him, and how he in turn influenced and inspired others. We hope that the portrayal a richly varied life given here will help shine new light on an honourable personality.

A more extended volume, with additional contributions on the life and work of Enno Meyers, will appear in 2019 due course in the BKGE series published by DeGruyter.

An English version of the publication is also available on-line.


Burkhard Olschowsky: Enno Meyer – Lebensstationen

Krzysztof Ruchniewicz: Ein Wegbereiter der Verständigung

Wolfgang Jacobmeyer: Ohne Enno Meyer hätte es keine deutsch-polnischen Schulbuchgespräche gegeben

Thomas Strobel: Die Bedeutung Enno Meyers für die Gemeinsame Deutsch-Polnische Schulbuchkommission

Burkhard Olschowsky: Enno Meyer in der Erinnerung von Kollegen