Attended by over 200 representatives from 120 institutions dealing with the history of the 20th century, the 4th European Rememrbance Symposium was dedicated to the memory of the Second World War and all those who took part in it. The participants took part in lectures, discussions, workshops and visits to the memorial sites.
Remembrance of the Second World War 70 years after
European Remembrance Symposium 2015
11-13 May 2015, Vienna
Symposium / Vienna 2015
11/05/2015 Tuesday
Welcome address
Diplomatic Academy of Vienna
Jan Rydel, European Network Remembrance and Solidarity
Stefan Karner, Ludwig Boltzmann-Institute for Research into Consequences of War, Cluster History
Gerhard Sailler, Diplomatic Academy of Vienna
Stefan Karner, Ludwig Boltzmann-Institute for Research into Consequences of War, Cluster History
Gerhard Sailler, Diplomatic Academy of Vienna
Lectures: Remembering Second World War 70 Years After. Winners, Losers, Perpetrators, Victims, Bystanders
Martin Pollack
Krzysztof Zamorski
Moderator: Peter Haslinger
Krzysztof Zamorski
Moderator: Peter Haslinger
Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Austria
12/05/2015 Wednesday
Diplomatic Academy of Vienna
Matthias Weber, European Network Remembrance and Solidarity
Opening by Heinz Fischer, Federal President of the Republic of Austria
Panel discussion: Second World War and its Art. Interpretations
Anda Rottenberg (keynote speaker)
Monica Bohm-Duchen
Moderator: Marcin Zaremba
Monica Bohm-Duchen
Moderator: Marcin Zaremba
Coffee break
Turbo presentations
Moderator: Dominik Pick
Lunch break
Workshops: Parallel Sessions I
1. War Graves of Wehrmacht Soldiers – a challenge for remembrance, commemoration and civic education / Organiser: German War Graves Commission in cooperation with the Austrian Black Cross
2. Teaching about the Past. Best Practices, Obstacles and Recommendations / European Network Remembrance and Solidarity
3. From Liberation to Occupation: The Red Army in Austria 1945 / Ludwig Boltzmann-Institute for Research into Consequences of War, Cluster History
2. Teaching about the Past. Best Practices, Obstacles and Recommendations / European Network Remembrance and Solidarity
3. From Liberation to Occupation: The Red Army in Austria 1945 / Ludwig Boltzmann-Institute for Research into Consequences of War, Cluster History
Workshops: Parallel Sessions II
1. Vanished Places / Organisers: Krzyżowa (Kreisau) Foundation for Mutual Understanding in Europe, Evangelical Academy in Berlin, Federal Foundation for the Study of Communist Dictatorship in East Germany, European Network Remembrance and Solidarity
2. Role of History Witnesses in Culture of Memory / Stutthof Museum in Sztutowo
3. Educational board and card games in teaching modern history / The Institute of National Remembrance in Poland
2. Role of History Witnesses in Culture of Memory / Stutthof Museum in Sztutowo
3. Educational board and card games in teaching modern history / The Institute of National Remembrance in Poland
Visit to Austrian Memorial Sites
13/05/2015 Thursday
Remembering the Holocaust under Dictatorship and Democracy. Different regions, different memories?
Diplomatic Academy of Vienna
Karen Franklin (keynote speaker)
Cathie Carmichael
Alexander Gogun
Moderator: Ulrich Baumann
Cathie Carmichael
Alexander Gogun
Moderator: Ulrich Baumann
Coffee break
Different Ways to Remember Totalitarian Regimes in Europe. How to talk about the crimes of the 20th century without equating them
Richard Overy (keynote speaker)
Zdzisław Krasnodębski
Áron Máthé
Habbo Knoch
Moderator: Tamás Stark
Zdzisław Krasnodębski
Áron Máthé
Habbo Knoch
Moderator: Tamás Stark