Browse our videos! Here you can find recordings from our events, including the European Remembrance Symposia and Genealogies of Memory conferences, video summaries of our educational youth projects, as well as Hi-story lessons animations for teachers and pupils.

Photo of the publication Stalinism and De-Stalinization in Eastern Europe: Mark Kramer (keynote speaker)

Stalinism and De-Stalinization in Eastern Europe: Mark Kramer (keynote speaker)

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:21:35

Professor Mark Kramer is a Professor and Director of Cold War Studies at Harvard University and a Senior Fellow of Harvard's Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies. Professor Mark Kramer gives the keynote lecture on 5th European Remembrance Symposium in Budapest. The event was organised by the European Network Remembrance and Solidarity ( Attended by over 200 representatives from over 100 institutions dealing with the history of the 20th century, it was dedicated to the memory of the Hungarian Revolution of 1956.

The goal of European Remembrance Symposium is to exchange experiences and establish methods and forms of cooperation between institutions from different countries. Representatives of European historical institutions are invited to discuss the challenges facing Europe’s idea of culture of remembrance. The meetings are open to all professionals dealing with 20th-century European history.

A series of European Remembrance symposiums was launched in September 2012 in Gdańsk. Subsequent editions took place in Berlin, Prague and Vienna.

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:21:35
Photo of the publication European Remembrance Symposium, Budapest 2016: Introduction and Opening Letters

European Remembrance Symposium, Budapest 2016: Introduction and Opening Letters

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:11:15

Director of the European Network of Remembrance and Solidarity mr. Rafał Rogulski delivers an introduction speech, and reads a letter of the Polish President mr. Andrzej Duda on the 5th European Remembrance Symposium in Budapest. Dr Réka Földváryné Kiss also read the letter of the Hungarian President mr. János Áder.

The event was organised by the European Network Remembrance and Solidarity ( Attended by over 200 representatives from over 100 institutions dealing with the history of the 20th century, it was dedicated to the memory of the Hungarian Revolution of 1956.

The goal of European Remembrance Symposium is to exchange experiences and establish methods and forms of cooperation between institutions from different countries. Representatives of European historical institutions are invited to discuss the challenges facing Europe’s idea of culture of remembrance. The meetings are open to all professionals dealing with 20th-century European history.

A series of European Remembrance symposiums was launched in September 2012 in Gdańsk. Subsequent editions took place in Berlin, Prague and Vienna.

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:11:15
Photo of the publication European Remembrance Symposium 2016: László Lovász (welcome speech)

European Remembrance Symposium 2016: László Lovász (welcome speech)

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:05:24

Professor László Lovász is a mathematician who has been president of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences since 2014. Proffessor László Lovász gives welcome speech on 5th European Remembrance Symposium in Budapest. The event was organised by the European Network Remembrance and Solidarity ( Attended by over 200 representatives from over 100 institutions dealing with the history of the 20th century, it was dedicated to the memory of the Hungarian Revolution of 1956.

The goal of European Remembrance Symposium is to exchange experiences and establish methods and forms of cooperation between institutions from different countries. Representatives of European historical institutions are invited to discuss the challenges facing Europe’s idea of culture of remembrance. The meetings are open to all professionals dealing with 20th-century European history.

A series of European Remembrance symposiums was launched in September 2012 in Gdańsk. Subsequent editions took place in Berlin, Prague and Vienna.

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:05:24
Photo of the publication European Remembrance Symposium 2016: László Regéczi Nagy (welcome speech)

European Remembrance Symposium 2016: László Regéczi Nagy (welcome speech)

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:06:38

László Regéczi Nagy former participant of the 1956 revolution, sentenced to prison, now chair of the Committee for Historical Justice gives the welcome speech on 5th European Remembrance Symposium in Budapest. The event was organised by the European Network Remembrance and Solidarity ( Attended by over 200 representatives from over 100 institutions dealing with the history of the 20th century, it was dedicated to the memory of the Hungarian Revolution of 1956.

The goal of European Remembrance Symposium is to exchange experiences and establish methods and forms of cooperation between institutions from different countries. Representatives of European historical institutions are invited to discuss the challenges facing Europe’s idea of culture of remembrance. The meetings are open to all professionals dealing with 20th-century European history.

A series of European Remembrance symposiums was launched in September 2012 in Gdańsk. Subsequent editions took place in Berlin, Prague and Vienna.

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:06:38
Photo of the publication European Remembrance Symposium 2016: Dr Magdalena Gawin (welcome speech)

European Remembrance Symposium 2016: Dr Magdalena Gawin (welcome speech)

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:02:57

Dr Magdalena Gawin, Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of the Republic of Poland gives a welcome speech on 5th European Remembrance Symposium in Budapest. The event was organised by the European Network Remembrance and Solidarity ( Attended by over 200 representatives from over 100 institutions dealing with the history of the 20th century, it was dedicated to the memory of the Hungarian Revolution of 1956.

The goal of European Remembrance Symposium is to exchange experiences and establish methods and forms of cooperation between institutions from different countries. Representatives of European historical institutions are invited to discuss the challenges facing Europe’s idea of culture of remembrance. The meetings are open to all professionals dealing with 20th-century European history.

A series of European Remembrance symposiums was launched in September 2012 in Gdańsk. Subsequent editions took place in Berlin, Prague and Vienna.

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:02:57
Photo of the publication Európa Emlékezete Szimpózium, Budapest, 2016 – Balog Zoltán köszöntő beszéde

Európa Emlékezete Szimpózium, Budapest, 2016 – Balog Zoltán köszöntő beszéde

language: Hungarian
subtitles: none
duration: 00:14:36

Balog Zoltán, az emberi erőforrások minisztere köszönti az V. Európa Emlékezete Szimpózium résztvevőit.

Az V. Európa Emlékezete Szimpózium az Emlékezet és Szolidaritás Európai Hálózata szervezésében került megrendezésre Budapesten. Az 1956-os magyar forradalom emlékének szentelt eseményen több mint 100, a huszadik század történelmével foglalkozó intézmény mintegy 200 képviselője vett részt.

Az Európa Emlékezete Szimpózium célja, hogy segítse a tapasztalatcserét, az együttműködési formák és módszerek kialakítását a különböző országok intézményei között. Az európai történelemmel foglalkozó intézmények képviselői megvitathatják mindazokat a kihívásokat, amelyekkel az emlékezés európai kultúrája szembenéz. A szimpóziumok a 20. század európai történelmével foglalkozó valamennyi szakember számára nyitottak.

Az Európa Emlékezete Szimpózium sorozata 2012 szeptemberében, Gdańskban indult útjára, ezt követően Berlinben, Prágában és Bécsben került megrendezésre.

language: Hungarian
subtitles: none
duration: 00:14:36