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Photo of the publication Remember. 23 August: Boris Romanchenko

Remember. 23 August: Boris Romanchenko

language: English
duration: 1:42

Boris Romanchenko (1926 – 2022) was a Ukrainian activist and survivor who endured the Buchenwald, Dora, and Bergen-Belsen concentration camps. He was killed by Russian airstrikes during the Battle of Kharkiv, a tragic event that took place in the context of the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022.

As every year on 23 August, the European Day of Remembrance for Victims of Totalitarian Regimes, the ENRS recalls those persecuted in the name of totalitarian and authoritarian ideologies.

language: English
duration: 1:42
Photo of the publication Remember. 23 August: Ieva Lase

Remember. 23 August: Ieva Lase

language: English
subtitles: English
duration: 00:01:43
Ieva Lase was a Latvian translator, member of the national resistance movement, dissident and political prisoner.
language: English
subtitles: English
duration: 00:01:43
Photo of the publication Remember. 23 August: Doina Cornea

Remember. 23 August: Doina Cornea

language: English
subtitles: English
duration: 00:02:08
Doina Maria Cornea was a professor of French language, linguist, translator, human rights activist, and one of the most emblematic figures of the antitotalitarian opposition in Romania.
language: English
subtitles: English
duration: 00:02:08
Photo of the publication Remember. 23 August: Władysław Bartoszewski

Remember. 23 August: Władysław Bartoszewski

language: English
subtitles: English
duration: 00:01:50

Władysław Bartoszewski was a Polish historian, journalist, writer, politician, former Auschwitz concentration camp prisoner, the Second World War Resistance fighter, participant in the Warsaw Uprising, political prisoner during the communist era, Righteous among the Nations of the World.

language: English
subtitles: English
duration: 00:01:50
Photo of the publication Remember. 23 August: Jaan Kross

Remember. 23 August: Jaan Kross

language: English
subtitles: English
duration: 00:01:26
Jaan Kross was an acclaimed Estonian writer and a several-time Nobel Prize in Literature nominee. He suffered persecution and imprisonment by both Nazi German and Soviet totalitarian regimes but survived and wrote a number of books that became symbols of moral opposition to the oppression. He is considered a model of perseverance and the conscience of the Estonian people.
language: English
subtitles: English
duration: 00:01:26
Photo of the publication Remember. 23 August: Milada Horákova

Remember. 23 August: Milada Horákova

language: English
subtitles: English
duration: 1:45

Milada Horákova was a Czech politician and a member of the clandestine resistance movement during the Second World War. Sha was a victim of a judicial murder committed by the communist party on the basis of fabricated charges of plotting an treason. Despite calls for clemency from such people as Winston Churchill and Albert Einstein, the Czechoslovak president Klement Gottwald confirmed her sentence. On the morning of 27 June 1950, Milada Horáková was executed by hanging. During the 1968 Prague Spring her rehabilitation process started, completed one year after the Velvet Revolution of 1989.

Every year on 23 August, the European Day of Remembrance for Victims of Totalitarian Regimes, the ENRS recalls those persecuted in the name of totalitarian and authoritarian ideologies.

language: English
subtitles: English
duration: 1:45
Photo of the publication Remember. 23 August: Kazimierz Moczarski

Remember. 23 August: Kazimierz Moczarski

language: English
subtitles: English
duration: 1:20

Kazimierz Moczarski, lawyer, journalist, Home Army soldier and author of the famous "Conversations with an Executioner". Imprisoned, tortured and persecuted by the communist regime of the People's Republic of Poland.

As every year on 23 August, the European Day of Remembrance for Victims of Totalitarian Regimes, the ENRS recalls those persecuted in the name of totalitarian and authoritarian ideologies.

language: English
subtitles: English
duration: 1:20
Photo of the publication Remember. 23 August: Juliana Zarchi

Remember. 23 August: Juliana Zarchi

language: English
subtitles: English
duration: 00:00:50
Juliana Zarchi was born in Lithuania in 1938 into a family with parents of different nationalities. Her father, Lithuanian of Jewish origin and her mother was German. Lithuania was soon annexed by the Soviet Union, and then, when the Third Reich turned on its former ally and attacked USSR in 1941, the country was occupied by the Nazis. As a half-Jew, barely at the age of three, Juliana was sent to the Kaunas ghetto and forced to stay there for several months. As the Soviet army re-entered Lithuania, mother and daughter hoped they would no longer have to fear for their lives. Instead, they were both deported to Tajikistan in Central Asia as part of a purge of ethnic Germans. They were stigmatized by the locals as ‘Fascists’ and forced to live and work in dire conditions.
language: English
subtitles: English
duration: 00:00:50
Photo of the publication Remember. 23 August: Péter Mansfeld

Remember. 23 August: Péter Mansfeld

language: English
subtitles: English
duration: 00:00:31

Péter Mansfeld was the youngest victim of repression after the 1956 revolution in Hungary. He was hanged at barely the age of 18.

language: English
subtitles: English
duration: 00:00:31
Photo of the publication Remember. 23 August: Mala Zimetbaum and Edek Galiński

Remember. 23 August: Mala Zimetbaum and Edek Galiński

language: English
subtitles: English
duration: 00:00:30

Mala Zimetbaum and Edek Galiński's is a unique love story. After an unsuccessful attempt at escape, both perished in the Nazi German concentration camp Auschwitz-Birkenau.

language: English
subtitles: English
duration: 00:00:30
Photo of the publication Remember. August 23 - European Day of Remembrance for Victims of Totalitarian Regimes

Remember. August 23 - European Day of Remembrance for Victims of Totalitarian Regimes

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:00:35

On 23 August, on the anniversary of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, the European Day of Remembrance for Victims of Totalitarian Regimes is observed. It was on that day in 1939 that an agreement between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union opened a road towards the tragedy of the second world war and its consequences: concentration camps, gulags, Holocaust, crematoria, labour camps, and many years of the cold war and further criminal regimes.

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:00:35
Photo of the publication Emlékezz! Augusztus 23. Totalitárius Diktatúrák Áldozatainak Európai Emléknapja

Emlékezz! Augusztus 23. Totalitárius Diktatúrák Áldozatainak Európai Emléknapja

language: Hungarian
subtitles: none
duration: 00:00:36
Verőfényes augusztusi délután. Egy idős férfi, miközben játékba merülő dédunokáját figyeli a parkban, 1939 nyarára emlékezik… Így kezdődik az a 30 másodperces, oktatási célú film, amelyet az Emlékezet és Szolidaritás Európai Hálózata készített a Totalitárius Diktatúrák Áldozatainak
language: Hungarian
subtitles: none
duration: 00:00:36
Photo of the publication Nicht vergessen. 23. August. Europäischer Tag des Gedenkens an die Opfer von totalitären Diktaturen

Nicht vergessen. 23. August. Europäischer Tag des Gedenkens an die Opfer von totalitären Diktaturen

language: German
subtitles: none
duration: 00:00:36
Ein sonniger Nachmittag im August. Ein älterer Herr, der seinem Urenkel beim Spielen im Park zusieht, erinnert sich an den Sommer 1939… So beginnt ein 30-Sekunden langer Film, der durch das Europäische Netzwerk Erinnerung und Solidarität zum Europäischen Tag des Gedenkens an die Opfer von totalitären Diktaturen vorbereitet wurde.
language: German
subtitles: none
duration: 00:00:36
Photo of the publication Pamiętaj. 23 sierpnia. Europejski Dzień Pamięci Ofiar Reżimów Totalitarnych

Pamiętaj. 23 sierpnia. Europejski Dzień Pamięci Ofiar Reżimów Totalitarnych

language: Polish
subtitles: none
duration: 00:00:36
Pogodne sierpniowe popołudnie. Starszy pan, obserwując w parku zabawę swojego prawnuka, wspomina lato 1939 roku… Tak zaczyna się 30-sekundowy film edukacyjny przygotowany przez Europejską Sieć Pamięć i Solidarność z okazji Europejskiego Dnia Pamięci Ofiar Reżimów
language: Polish
subtitles: none
duration: 00:00:36
Photo of the publication Pamatuj. 23. Srpna. Evropský den památky obětí totalitních režimů

Pamatuj. 23. Srpna. Evropský den památky obětí totalitních režimů

language: Czech
subtitles: none
duration: 00:00:36
Klidné srpnové odpoledne. Starší pán sedí v parku a dívá se, jak si jeho pravnouče hraje. Připomíná si léto roku 1939… Tak začíná 30-ti vteřinový vzdělávací film, který připravila Evropská síť Paměť a solidarita u příležitosti Evropského dne památky obětí totalitních režimů.
language: Czech
subtitles: none
duration: 00:00:36
Photo of the publication Pamätaj na 23. Augusta. Európsky deň pamiatky obetí totalitných režimov

Pamätaj na 23. Augusta. Európsky deň pamiatky obetí totalitných režimov

language: Slovak
subtitles: none
duration: 00:00:36

Je príjemné augustové popoludnie. Starší pán, pozorujúc v parku zabávanie sa svojho pravnuka, spomína na leto roku 1939... Tak sa začína 30-sekundový vzdelávací film, pripravený Európskou sieťou Pamäť a Solidarita pri príležitosti Európskeho dňa spomienky na obete totalitných režimov.

language: Slovak
subtitles: none
duration: 00:00:36