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Round table discussion on "Freedom and Remembrance in the intergenerational dialogue" | 12th European Remembrance Symposium

language: English
duration: 2:02:55

Summary and round table discussion on “Freedom and Remembrance in the intergenerational dialogue” at the 12th European Remembrance Symposium on 24 May 2024. How does the memory of freedom evolve? How is it understood and remembered by the generations that have lived through totalitarianisms? What are the similarities and the differences between successive generations when it comes to thinking about and cultivating freedom?


Łukasz Kamiński, National Ossoliński Institute, Wrocław

Laura Kolbe, University of Helsinki

Martin Andreller, Estonian Institute of Historical Memory, Tallinn

Miloš Řezník, German Historical Institute Warsaw

Moderation: Hanna Liubakova, journalist, Belarus

The event was co-funded by Central European Initiative - CEI

language: English
duration: 2:02:55