Browse our videos! Here you can find recordings from our events, including the European Remembrance Symposia and Genealogies of Memory conferences, video summaries of our educational youth projects, as well as Hi-story lessons animations for teachers and pupils.

Photo of the publication Images of History versus Remembrance

Images of History versus Remembrance

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 01:49:11

Chair: Piotr Juszkiewicz (Poland)

Anastasia Pavlovskaya (Russia), ‘How Should a Monument to Pushkin Look Like?’: The Pushkin Monument in Leningrad Discussion (1936-1937) and the Stalinist Memorial Culture

Olli Kleemola (Finland), Building the Finnish National Mythos: Photographs from the Russo-Finnish Winter War 1939–1940

Michał Haake (Poland), Picture and History. Exhibitions of Art as a Tool of Validation of Communist Authority in Poland

Maria Khorolskaya (Russia), The Everyday in the GDR in Individual, Cultural and Political Memory

Commentary: Zuzanna Bogumił (Poland)

The seventh conference Genealogies of Memory in Central and Eastern Europe took place on 6-8 December in Warsaw. During the three-day event, over 180 scholars from 70 institutions and 19 countries discussed the relationships between image, history and memory and the various roles of images concerning memory.

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 01:49:11
Photo of the publication Wojciech Suchocki: Matejko. How Was He Doing This?

Wojciech Suchocki: Matejko. How Was He Doing This?

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:59:26

Wojciech Suchocki giving his keynote lecture.

Chair: Csaba György Kiss (Hungary)

The seventh conference Genealogies of Memory in Central and Eastern Europe took place on 6-8 December in Warsaw. During the three-day event, over 180 scholars from 70 institutions and 19 countries discussed the relationships between image, history and memory and the various roles of images concerning memory.

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:59:26
Photo of the publication Remembrance, History, Image: Theories and Cognitive Perspectives

Remembrance, History, Image: Theories and Cognitive Perspectives

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 02:25:10

The seventh conference Genealogies of Memory in Central and Eastern Europe took place on 6-8 December in Warsaw. During the three-day event, over 180 scholars from 70 institutions and 19 countries discussed the relationships between image, history and memory and the various roles of images concerning memory.

Chair: Joanna Wawrzyniak (Poland)

Vitalii Ogiienko (Ukraine), Image of the Starving Little Girl: From Initial Traumatic Holodomor Experience to Media Icon

Andrei Nacu (Romania), The Relation between the Family Album and the Re-evaluation of Romania’s Communist Past

Filip Lipiński (Poland), Stratified Image. Medium, Construction and Memory in Frank Stella’s Polish Villages

Florin Abraham (Romania), Histor(iograph)y and Memory in ‘PostTruth Era’. Towards a European Public Sphere? Some Theoretical Considerations

Written Presentation: Tomasz Szerszeń (Poland), Memory, Photography, History. Post-Soviet Auto-photo-biographies

Commentary: Luiza Nader (Poland)

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 02:25:10
Photo of the publication Image, History and Memory: welcome speeches

Image, History and Memory: welcome speeches

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:36:37

The seventh conference Genealogies of Memory in Central and Eastern Europe took place on 6-8 December in Warsaw. During the three-day event, over 180 scholars from 70 institutions and 19 countries discussed the relationships between image, history and memory and the various roles of images concerning memory.

Welcome speeches by:
Rafał Rogulski, Director of the Institute of European Network Remembrance and Solidarity

Juliusz Szymczak-Gałkowski, Director of the Department of International Cooperation, Ministry of Science and Higher Education

Joanna Wawrzyniak, Initiator of the Genealogies of Memory in Central and Eastern Europe programme

Opening remarks: Piotr Juszkiewicz (Conference convener)

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:36:37
Photo of the publication Mieke Bal: Dis-Remembered and MisRemembered: A Confrontation with Failures of Cultural Memory

Mieke Bal: Dis-Remembered and MisRemembered: A Confrontation with Failures of Cultural Memory

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 01:11:16

Mieke Bal giving her keynote lecture.

Chair: Anna Kutaj-Markowska (Poland)

The seventh conference Genealogies of Memory in Central and Eastern Europe took place on 6-8 December in Warsaw. During the three-day event, over 180 scholars from 70 institutions and 19 countries discussed the relationships between image, history and memory and the various roles of images concerning memory.

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 01:11:16
Photo of the publication Image and Historiosophy: Artistic Reflection on the Subject of History and Remembrance

Image and Historiosophy: Artistic Reflection on the Subject of History and Remembrance

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 01:55:16

Chair: Ewa Kociszewska (Poland)

Tatiana Tereshchenko (Russia), Greek Vase Painting: Polysemantic Rethinking of History in the Images of the Others

Justyna Balisz-Schmelz (Poland), Pictures for the Fathers. Baselitz’s Heldenbilder as Counterimages of the Socialist and Fascist Body

Dorota Kownacka (Poland), Against Illusion. Abstraction towards the Reality. Kuno Raeber’s Material Turn. Karl Rössing’s Wood- and Linocut and the War Experience Aspect

Roma Sendyka (Poland), ‘Hobbled Images’ as Memorial Documents for Underrepresented Events. Regaining Past through Reading the Affective and Recognizing the Precursory

Commentary: Katja Bernhardt (Germany)

The seventh conference Genealogies of Memory in Central and Eastern Europe took place on 6-8 December in Warsaw. During the three-day event, over 180 scholars from 70 institutions and 19 countries discussed the relationships between image, history and memory and the various roles of images concerning memory.

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 01:55:16
Photo of the publication Remember. August 23 - European Day of Remembrance for Victims of Totalitarian Regimes

Remember. August 23 - European Day of Remembrance for Victims of Totalitarian Regimes

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:00:35

On 23 August, on the anniversary of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, the European Day of Remembrance for Victims of Totalitarian Regimes is observed. It was on that day in 1939 that an agreement between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union opened a road towards the tragedy of the second world war and its consequences: concentration camps, gulags, Holocaust, crematoria, labour camps, and many years of the cold war and further criminal regimes.

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:00:35
Photo of the publication Emlékezz! Augusztus 23. Totalitárius Diktatúrák Áldozatainak Európai Emléknapja

Emlékezz! Augusztus 23. Totalitárius Diktatúrák Áldozatainak Európai Emléknapja

language: Hungarian
subtitles: none
duration: 00:00:36
Verőfényes augusztusi délután. Egy idős férfi, miközben játékba merülő dédunokáját figyeli a parkban, 1939 nyarára emlékezik… Így kezdődik az a 30 másodperces, oktatási célú film, amelyet az Emlékezet és Szolidaritás Európai Hálózata készített a Totalitárius Diktatúrák Áldozatainak
language: Hungarian
subtitles: none
duration: 00:00:36
Photo of the publication Nicht vergessen. 23. August. Europäischer Tag des Gedenkens an die Opfer von totalitären Diktaturen

Nicht vergessen. 23. August. Europäischer Tag des Gedenkens an die Opfer von totalitären Diktaturen

language: German
subtitles: none
duration: 00:00:36
Ein sonniger Nachmittag im August. Ein älterer Herr, der seinem Urenkel beim Spielen im Park zusieht, erinnert sich an den Sommer 1939… So beginnt ein 30-Sekunden langer Film, der durch das Europäische Netzwerk Erinnerung und Solidarität zum Europäischen Tag des Gedenkens an die Opfer von totalitären Diktaturen vorbereitet wurde.
language: German
subtitles: none
duration: 00:00:36
Photo of the publication Pamiętaj. 23 sierpnia. Europejski Dzień Pamięci Ofiar Reżimów Totalitarnych

Pamiętaj. 23 sierpnia. Europejski Dzień Pamięci Ofiar Reżimów Totalitarnych

language: Polish
subtitles: none
duration: 00:00:36
Pogodne sierpniowe popołudnie. Starszy pan, obserwując w parku zabawę swojego prawnuka, wspomina lato 1939 roku… Tak zaczyna się 30-sekundowy film edukacyjny przygotowany przez Europejską Sieć Pamięć i Solidarność z okazji Europejskiego Dnia Pamięci Ofiar Reżimów
language: Polish
subtitles: none
duration: 00:00:36
Photo of the publication Pamatuj. 23. Srpna. Evropský den památky obětí totalitních režimů

Pamatuj. 23. Srpna. Evropský den památky obětí totalitních režimů

language: Czech
subtitles: none
duration: 00:00:36
Klidné srpnové odpoledne. Starší pán sedí v parku a dívá se, jak si jeho pravnouče hraje. Připomíná si léto roku 1939… Tak začíná 30-ti vteřinový vzdělávací film, který připravila Evropská síť Paměť a solidarita u příležitosti Evropského dne památky obětí totalitních režimů.
language: Czech
subtitles: none
duration: 00:00:36
Photo of the publication Pamätaj na 23. Augusta. Európsky deň pamiatky obetí totalitných režimov

Pamätaj na 23. Augusta. Európsky deň pamiatky obetí totalitných režimov

language: Slovak
subtitles: none
duration: 00:00:36

Je príjemné augustové popoludnie. Starší pán, pozorujúc v parku zabávanie sa svojho pravnuka, spomína na leto roku 1939... Tak sa začína 30-sekundový vzdelávací film, pripravený Európskou sieťou Pamäť a Solidarita pri príležitosti Európskeho dňa spomienky na obete totalitných režimov.

language: Slovak
subtitles: none
duration: 00:00:36
Photo of the publication In Between? Berlin

In Between? Berlin

language: German
subtitles: English
duration: 00:12:46
Collective work by the study visit participants: Heidi Johanna Gritsh, Goda Milasiute, Anna-Katharina Wiesinger, Jana Maria Weiss and Jeta Rexha. The group was leaded by Karolina Dziełak.
language: German
subtitles: English
duration: 00:12:46
Photo of the publication In Between? The Albanian-Montenegrin borderland

In Between? The Albanian-Montenegrin borderland

language: Albanian, Montenegrin
subtitles: English
duration: 00:10:25
Collective work by the study visit participants: Ljumi Bekjiri, Piotr Brzeski, Sara Gavran, Krystof Nerold, Florentina Qorri, Agnieszka Szajewska. The group was leaded by Małgorzata Czyżewska, and guided by Pjerin Mirdita from Site of Witness and Memory in Shkoder, Albania, and representatives of Youth Initiative for Human Rights in Montenegro.
language: Albanian, Montenegrin
subtitles: English
duration: 00:10:25
Photo of the publication In Between? Catalan cross-border region

In Between? Catalan cross-border region

language: French, Spanish, Catalan
subtitles: English
duration: 00:11:51
Collective work by the study visit participants: Eduardo Granados Reguilón, Joanna Lickiewicz, Claudia Freixes Martínez, Anne-Florence Neveu and Laia Gallego Vila. The group was leaded by Zhanna Vrublevska and David González Vázquez from MUME - The Exile Memorial Museum.
language: French, Spanish, Catalan
subtitles: English
duration: 00:11:51
Photo of the publication In Between? Prespa Lakes region

In Between? Prespa Lakes region

language: Albanian, Macedonian, Greek
subtitles: English
duration: 00:11:51
Collective work by the study visit participants: Valbona Bezati, Zuzanna Dobrzanska, Dominika Malecka, Alexios Ntetorakis Exarchou, Andrej Tatarchevski and Angela Zdravkovska. The group was leaded by Naum Trajanovski and Meri Stojanova.
language: Albanian, Macedonian, Greek
subtitles: English
duration: 00:11:51
Photo of the publication In Between? The Polish-Lithuanian borderland

In Between? The Polish-Lithuanian borderland

language: English, Polish, Lithuanian
subtitles: English
duration: 00:11:15
Collective work by the study visit participants: Kacper Awzan, Jan Charvát, Katarzyna Choroszucha, Antonia Foldes, Ugnė Makauskaitė and Miona Prokic. The group was leaded by Zhanna Vrublevska (ENRS).
language: English, Polish, Lithuanian
subtitles: English
duration: 00:11:15
Photo of the publication In Between? South-Styria & Štajerska Region

In Between? South-Styria & Štajerska Region

language: German, Slovene
subtitles: English
duration: 00:08:01
Collective work by the study visit participants: Teresa Brenner, Karolíná Bukovská, Tena Lavrenčič, Andrea Sierra Baz, Hanna Kovhan, Sebastian Günzel. The group was leaded by Marta Jakubowska and guided by Alexandra Kofler and David Kranzelbinder.
language: German, Slovene
subtitles: English
duration: 00:08:01