Browse our videos! Here you can find recordings from our events, including the European Remembrance Symposia and Genealogies of Memory conferences, video summaries of our educational youth projects, as well as Hi-story lessons animations for teachers and pupils.

Photo of the publication Memory Practices and Memory Studies in Bulgaria 1/4

Memory Practices and Memory Studies in Bulgaria 1/4

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:22:26

Ana Luleva (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences) presenting her paper titled "Memory Studies in Bulgaria: Institutions and Approaches".

The presentation is part of a seminar from Genealogies of Memory series on the recent developments in the field of memory studies in Bulgaria, which took place on 28 November 2014 in Warsaw, Poland.

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:22:26
Photo of the publication Final discussion: Collective vs Collected Memories

Final discussion: Collective vs Collected Memories

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 01:06:18

Final Discussion of "Collective vs Collected Memories. 1989-91 from an Oral History Perspective". "Genealogies of Memory" series.

Chair: Joanna Wawrzyniak

Workshops results summaries

General comments by Jeffrey K. Olick

Free discussion

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 01:06:18
Photo of the publication 1989-1991 in Comparative and Transnational Perspectives - Olschowsky, Breuer, Delius, Sierp

1989-1991 in Comparative and Transnational Perspectives - Olschowsky, Breuer, Delius, Sierp

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 01:55:19

Burkhard Olschowsky

"1989 as a Lieu de Mémoire in Poland and Germany"

Lars Breuer, Anna Delius

"Ordinary Europeans’ View on 1989"

Aline Sierp

"Bridging the Gap: Framing Memory Debate in the EU"

Discussant: Michael Bernhard

Chair: Piotr Filipkowski

Panel "1989-1991 in Comparative and Transnational Perspectives" during the "Collective vs Collected Memories. 1989-91 from an Oral History Perspective" conference. "Genealogies of Memory" series.

Warsaw, 8 November 2014.

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 01:55:19
Photo of the publication Collective vs Collected Memories

Collective vs Collected Memories

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 01:35:55

Introduction: Włodzimierz Borodziej

Lutz Niethammer interviewed by Piotr Filipkowski and Franka Maubach.

"Collective vs Collected Memories. 1989-91 from an Oral History Perspective" conference. "Genealogies of Memory" series.

Warsaw, 7 November 2014.

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 01:35:55
Photo of the publication Generational Experiences and Memories - Ljubica Spaskovska, Deanna Wooley

Generational Experiences and Memories - Ljubica Spaskovska, Deanna Wooley

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 01:48:48

Panel "Generational Experiences and Memories".

Ljubica Spaskovska

"The Last Yugoslav Generation: Making Sense of Post-Socialism and the End of Yugoslavia"

Deanna Wooley

“We Were the Generation of Unspoken Assumptions”: Generational Identity and the “Velvet Revolution”

Discussant: Lars Breuer

Chair: Burkhard Olschowsky

"Collective vs Collected Memories. 1989-91 from an Oral History Perspective" conference. "Genealogies of Memory" series.

Warsaw, 7 November 2014.

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 01:48:48
Photo of the publication Individual and Collective Memories Entangled - Katharine White, Ina Alber, Natalia Cojocaru

Individual and Collective Memories Entangled - Katharine White, Ina Alber, Natalia Cojocaru

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 01:59:31

Panel "Individual and Collective Memories Entangled".

Katharine White

"Shifts in East Germans Spatial Imaginaries"

Ina Alber

"Narrating the “Transition to Democracy“: on the Interdependency of Discourses and Biographies"

Natalia Cojocaru

"1989-91 in Moldova: Memory, Discourse and Representation"

Discussant: Kaja Kaźmierska

Chair: Ferenc Laczó

"Collective vs Collected Memories. 1989-91 from an Oral History Perspective" conference. "Genealogies of Memory" series.

Warsaw, 7 November 2014.

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 01:59:31
Photo of the publication Horizons of Expectation and Spaces of Experience: Between Accident, Hope and Trauma

Horizons of Expectation and Spaces of Experience: Between Accident, Hope and Trauma

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 02:14:02

Joachim von Puttkamer

"Making Sense of the Unexpected: How the Reshaping of the Polish Power Apparatus in 1989 is Being Remembered"

Tomasz Stryjek

"What Does 1991 Mean for Ukrainians?"

Rauf R. Garagozov

"Collapse of the Soviet Union as Cultural Trauma and Russian Collective Memory"

Discussant: Padraic Kenney

Chair: Gertrud Pickhan

"Collective vs Collected Memories. 1989-91 from an Oral History Perspective" conference. "Genealogies of Memory" series.

Warsaw, 6 November 2014.

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 02:14:02
Photo of the publication Michael Bernhard & Jan Kubik: The Politics of Memory and Commemoration

Michael Bernhard & Jan Kubik: The Politics of Memory and Commemoration

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 01:23:04

Keynote speech by Michael Bernhard and Jan Kubik entitled "The Politics of Memory and Commemoration".

Chair: Danilo Facca.

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 01:23:04
Photo of the publication Mnemonic Communities and Habits - a lecture by James Wertsch

Mnemonic Communities and Habits - a lecture by James Wertsch

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 01:31:53

Keynote speech by James V. Wertsch entitled "Mnemonic Communities and Habits".

Chair: Krzysztof Koseła.

"Collective vs Collected Memories. 1989-91 from an Oral History Perspective" conference.

Warsaw, 6 November 2014.

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 01:31:53
Photo of the publication Introduction: Wawrzyniak, Maubach, Laczo

Introduction: Wawrzyniak, Maubach, Laczo

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:44:06

"Collective vs Collected Memories. 1989-91 from an Oral History Perspective" conference.

Warsaw, November 2014.

Introduction to conference by Dr. Ferenc Laczó, Dr. Franka Maubach and Dr. Joanna Wawrzyniak.

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:44:06
Photo of the publication AWAY WITH THE DICTATOR!
Anna Kasperska


language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:02:40

A short feature by Anna Kasperska about Romanian Revolution of 1989.

The feature was made as a part of the Freedom Express project - an international social and educational campaign launched on the 25th anniversary of the “year of changes” – the year 1989. The project was organised by European Network Remembrance and Solidarity with the support of ministries of culture from Central European countries and in cooperation with many institutions dealing with the history of the 20th century.

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:02:40
Photo of the publication Postcard from the Heroes Square
Anna Rubi

Postcard from the Heroes' Square

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:00:24

A short feature by Anna Rubi - a postcard from the Heroes' Square in Budapest, Hungary.

Anna Rubi - born in 1988. Student of Master studies in Interdisciplinary Art on Zürcher Hochschule der Künste in Zürich. In 2011 she created a visual part of a ballet and audiovisual performance “NG project: Play it again Arthur”. In 2014 she took part in creating a collaborative documentary film BUÉK, as the director of one of the episodes. Currently she is making a research and a project about functions of art in public spheres in Hong Kong and Zurich.

The feature was made as a part of the Freedom Express project - an international social and educational campaign launched on the 25th anniversary of the “year of changes” – the year 1989. The project was organised by European Network Remembrance and Solidarity with the support of ministries of culture from Central European countries and in cooperation with many institutions dealing with the history of the 20th century.

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:00:24
Photo of the publication Postcard from the block
Anna Rubi

Postcard from the block

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:00:20

A short feature by Anna Rubi - a postcard from Bratislava, Slovakia.

Anna Rubi - born in 1988. Student of Master studies in Interdisciplinary Art on Zürcher Hochschule der Künste in Zürich. In 2011 she created a visual part of a ballet and audiovisual performance “NG project: Play it again Arthur”. In 2014 she took part in creating a collaborative documentary film BUÉK, as the director of one of the episodes. Currently she is making a research and a project about functions of art in public spheres in Hong Kong and Zurich.

The feature was made as a part of the Freedom Express project - an international social and educational campaign launched on the 25th anniversary of the “year of changes” – the year 1989. The project was organised by European Network Remembrance and Solidarity with the support of ministries of culture from Central European countries and in cooperation with many institutions dealing with the history of the 20th century.

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:00:20
Photo of the publication Postcard from prison
Anna Rubi

Postcard from prison

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:01:51

A short feature by Anna Rubi - a postcard from the Rakowiecka Prison in Warsaw, Poland.

Anna Rubi - born in 1988. Student of Master studies in Interdisciplinary Art on Zürcher Hochschule der Künste in Zürich. In 2011 she created a visual part of a ballet and audiovisual performance “NG project: Play it again Arthur”. In 2014 she took part in creating a collaborative documentary film BUÉK, as the director of one of the episodes. Currently she is making a research and a project about functions of art in public spheres in Hong Kong and Zurich.

The feature was made as a part of the Freedom Express project - an international social and educational campaign launched on the 25th anniversary of the “year of changes” – the year 1989. The project was organised by European Network Remembrance and Solidarity with the support of ministries of culture from Central European countries and in cooperation with many institutions dealing with the history of the 20th century.

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:01:51
Photo of the publication from Prague to Berlin
Anna Kasperska

from Prague to Berlin

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:00:16

A short feature made by Anna Kasperska.

Anna Kasperska - born in 1986. Graduate of Master studies in filmmaking on Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. She has been involved in a film making, promotion and education since 2009. She realized three movies. One of them – “Together, written separately” – made as her diploma work this year is currently distributed for the film festivals. Between 2010 and 2013 she organized a series of independent film screenings in Warsaw cinemas. In 2013 she created and coordinated international film project focused on the topic of the border in Polish-Ukrainian cooperation.

The feature was made as a part of the Freedom Express project - an international social and educational campaign launched on the 25th anniversary of the “year of changes” – the year 1989. The project was organised by European Network Remembrance and Solidarity with the support of ministries of culture from Central European countries and in cooperation with many institutions dealing with the history of the 20th century.

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:00:16
Photo of the publication Shipyard Herbarium
Maja Demska

Shipyard Herbarium

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:01:00

A book by Maja Demska:

"In my imagination, Gdańsk Shipyard has always been a post-industrial desert of rust and dust.

To my surprise, it turned out to resemble more of a garden full of common polish wildflowers: dandelions, cornflowers, daisies and clovers.

The nature, as indifferent to history as it is, is slowly reclaiming the space."

Maja Demska - born in 1992. Currently completing her MA in Visual Communication at the University of Arts in Poznań. Multimedia artist and freeelance illustrator working mainly in collage. Regular contributor to ROOKIE magazine and tutor of art workshops for kids and adults. Helpless paper collector and dedicated admirer of the Baltic Sea. As she strongly belives in the power of collaboration, she took part in numerous projects (art symposiums, exhibitions, festivals and publications) allowing her to collaborate with people working in different media.

The feature was made as a part of the Freedom Express project - an international social and educational campaign launched on the 25th anniversary of the “year of changes” – the year 1989. The project was organised by European Network Remembrance and Solidarity with the support of ministries of culture from Central European countries and in cooperation with many institutions dealing with the history of the 20th century.

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:01:00
Photo of the publication A conversation with Waltraud
Rahel Freist-Held

A conversation with Waltraud

language: German
subtitles: English
duration: 00:04:10

A short feature by Rahel Freist-Held.

Rahel Freist-Held - born in 1994. Student of Culture Studies, Politics and Sociology in Humboldt Unversity of Berlin. She took part in an international school exchange in Carpentras and Bordeaux, France and she was working for a year as a volunteer in Johannesburg, South Africa. For 2 years she was volunteering as an educator of acting workshops. Currently she is a student assistant responsible for public relations.

The feature was made as a part of the Freedom Express project - an international social and educational campaign launched on the 25th anniversary of the “year of changes” – the year 1989. The project was organised by European Network Remembrance and Solidarity with the support of ministries of culture from Central European countries and in cooperation with many institutions dealing with the history of the 20th century.

language: German
subtitles: English
duration: 00:04:10
Photo of the publication What size are Lenins shoes?
Anna Kasperska

What size are Lenin's shoes?

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:00:50

A short feature made by Anna Kasperska in Memento Park in Budapest, Hungary.

Anna Kasperska - born in 1986. Graduate of Master studies in filmmaking on Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. She has been involved in a film making, promotion and education since 2009. She realized three movies. One of them – “Together, written separately” – made as her diploma work this year is currently distributed for the film festivals. Between 2010 and 2013 she organized a series of independent film screenings in Warsaw cinemas. In 2013 she created and coordinated international film project focused on the topic of the border in Polish-Ukrainian cooperation.

The feature was made as a part of the Freedom Express project - an international social and educational campaign launched on the 25th anniversary of the “year of changes” – the year 1989. The project was organised by European Network Remembrance and Solidarity with the support of ministries of culture from Central European countries and in cooperation with many institutions dealing with the history of the 20th century.

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:00:50