Browse our videos! Here you can find recordings from our events, including the European Remembrance Symposia and Genealogies of Memory conferences, video summaries of our educational youth projects, as well as Hi-story lessons animations for teachers and pupils.

Photo of the publication New Interpretations of Recent European History – Discussion

New Interpretations of Recent European History – Discussion

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 01:39:32

Panel discussion "The next generation. New interpretations of recent European history". Lenka Koprivova (Post Bellum, Czech Republic), Sandra Vokk (Unitas Foundation, Estonia), Irit Dekel (Humboldt University, Germany), Zofia Wóycicka (the House of European History, Brussels).

Year 2014 marked the round anniversaries of some of the most important turning points in European history: 100th anniversary of the Great World War, 75th anniversary of the outbreak of World War II, 25th anniversary of 1989, and last but not least 10th anniversary of the enlargement of the European Union to include former communist bloc countries. Thus, the theme of the European Remembrance Symposium 2014 was: 'Europe between War and Peace 1914-2004. Turning Points in 20th Century European History'.

The goal of European Remembrance Symposium is to exchange experiences and establish methods and forms of cooperation between institutions from different countries. Representatives of European historical institutions are invited to discuss the challenges facing Europe’s idea of culture of remembrance. The meetings are open to all professionals dealing with 20th-century European history.

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 01:39:32
Photo of the publication Collapse of Communism and its Aftermath. Legacy of the Cold War Period in Europe – Discussion

Collapse of Communism and its Aftermath. Legacy of the Cold War Period in Europe – Discussion

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 01:33:05

Panel disussion 'The collapse of communism and its aftermath. Legacy of the Cold War period in Europe". Laure Neumayer (University Paris, France), Michal Kopeček (Institute of Contemporary History, Czech Republic), Łukasz Kamiński (Institute of National Remembrance, Poland), Matěj Spurný (Institute of Contemporary History, Czech Republic).

Year 2014 marked the round anniversaries of some of the most important turning points in European history: 100th anniversary of the Great World War, 75th anniversary of the outbreak of World War II, 25th anniversary of 1989, and last but not least 10th anniversary of the enlargement of the European Union to include former communist bloc countries. Thus, the theme of the European Remembrance Symposium 2014 was: 'Europe between War and Peace 1914-2004. Turning Points in 20th Century European History'.

The goal of European Remembrance Symposium is to exchange experiences and establish methods and forms of cooperation between institutions from different countries. Representatives of European historical institutions are invited to discuss the challenges facing Europe’s idea of culture of remembrance. The meetings are open to all professionals dealing with 20th-century European history.

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 01:33:05
Photo of the publication Marci Shore: Turning points in European History. 1914-1939-1945-1989-2004

Marci Shore: Turning points in European History. 1914-1939-1945-1989-2004

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:50:24

Marci Shore, American historian specializing in the history of Eastern Europe and lecturer at Yale University (USA), opened the international European Remembrance Symposium in Prague with the keynote lecture. The main question she discussed was 'Should we open the closet of the past?'.

Year 2014 marked the round anniversaries of some of the most important turning points in European history: 100th anniversary of the Great World War, 75th anniversary of the outbreak of World War II, 25th anniversary of 1989, and last but not least 10th anniversary of the enlargement of the European Union to include former communist bloc countries. Thus, the theme of the European Remembrance Symposium 2014 was: 'Europe between War and Peace 1914-2004. Turning Points in 20th Century European History'.

The goal of European Remembrance Symposium is to exchange experiences and establish methods and forms of cooperation between institutions from different countries. Representatives of European historical institutions are invited to discuss the challenges facing Europe’s idea of culture of remembrance. The meetings are open to all professionals dealing with 20th-century European history.

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:50:24
Photo of the publication European Remembrance Symposium, Prague 2014: official opening

European Remembrance Symposium, Prague 2014: official opening

language: English, Czech
subtitles: none
duration: 00:40:51

Official opening of the European Remembrance Symposium in Prague, 2014. The guests were welcome dby Dr. Oldřich Tůma, Director of the Institute of Contemporary History, Academy of Science of the Czech Republic, Małgorzata Omilanowska, State Secretary, Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of Poland, Jiří Drahoš, Chairman of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Sophie Beernaerts, Head of Unit, Europe for Citizens Programme, European Commission, Jan Rydel, Chairman of ENRS Steering Committee.

Year 2014 marked the round anniversaries of some of the most important turning points in European history: 100th anniversary of the Great World War, 75th anniversary of the outbreak of World War II, 25th anniversary of 1989, and last but not least 10th anniversary of the enlargement of the European Union to include former communist bloc countries. Thus, the theme of the European Remembrance Symposium 2014 was: 'Europe between War and Peace 1914-2004. Turning Points in 20th Century European History'.

The goal of European Remembrance Symposium is to exchange experiences and establish methods and forms of cooperation between institutions from different countries. Representatives of European historical institutions are invited to discuss the challenges facing Europe’s idea of culture of remembrance. The meetings are open to all professionals dealing with 20th-century European history.

language: English, Czech
subtitles: none
duration: 00:40:51
Photo of the publication A Place to Stand: Baltic Appeal and Lord Nicholas Bethell
Anna Ferens

A Place to Stand: Baltic Appeal and Lord Nicholas Bethell

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:02:19

Lord Nicholas Bethell was staunchly anti-communist. He used his European post to campaign for the human rights of dissidents in the Soviet bloc, including Andrei Sakharov and Anatoly Sharansky.

The video comes from 'A Place to Stand' documentary. The film by Anna Ferens tells the fascinating story of how the European Parliament demanded in the 1980s the release of political prisoners and the introduction of democratic freedoms in the countries of the Eastern bloc. Based on unpublished archival materials and interviews with MEPs and oppositionists from the Czech Republic, Estonia, Germany, Poland, Slovakia, Romania, the film refers to more than 50 European Parliament resolutions which were adopted between 1980--1990.

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:02:19
Photo of the publication A Place to Stand

A Place to Stand

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:02:32
"A Place to Stand" , a documentary film by Anna Ferens, tells a fascinating story of how the European Parliament demanded in the 1980s the release of political prisoners and the introduction of democratic freedoms in the countries of the Eastern bloc. Based on unpublished archival materials and interviews with MEPs and oppositionists from the Czech Republic, Estonia, Germany, Poland, Slovakia, Romania, the film refers to more than 50 European Parliament resolutions which were adopted between 1980--1990.
language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:02:32
Photo of the publication A Place to Stand: Otto von Habsburg and Demonstration in Bratislava
Anna Ferens

A Place to Stand: Otto von Habsburg and Demonstration in Bratislava

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:02:10

Otto von Habsburg, as a newly elected Member of the European Parliament in 1979, had an empty chair set up for the countries on the other side of the Iron Curtain in the European Parliament, and took a strong interest in the countries behind the Iron Curtain during his tenure. Otto von Habsburg played a central role in the revolutions of 1989.

The video is a part of the 'A Place to Stand' documentary. The film by Anna Ferens tells a fascinating story of how the European Parliament demanded in the 1980s the release of political prisoners and the introduction of democratic freedoms in the countries of the Eastern bloc. Based on unpublished archival materials and interviews with MEPs and oppositionists from the Czech Republic, Estonia, Germany, Poland, Slovakia, Romania, the film refers to more than 50 European Parliament resolutions which were adopted between 1980--1990.

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:02:10
Photo of the publication A Place to Stand: the story of Pavel Wonka
Anna Ferens

A Place to Stand: the story of Pavel Wonka

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:02:59
The tragic story of a Czechoslovak dissident Pavel Wonka - a clip from 'A Place to Stand', a documentary film by Anna Ferens, which tells fascinating story of how the European Parliament demanded in the 1980s the release of political prisoners and the introduction of democratic freedoms in the countries of the Eastern bloc. Based on unpublished archival materials and interviews with MEPs and oppositionists from the Czech Republic, Estonia, Germany, Poland, Slovakia, Romania, the film refers to more than 50 European Parliament resolutions which were adopted between 1980--1990.
language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:02:59
Photo of the publication Komunizm versus nazizm? – Agnieszka Gliszczyńska-Grabias

Komunizm versus nazizm? – Agnieszka Gliszczyńska-Grabias

language: Polish
subtitles: none
duration: 00:21:01

Aleksandra Gliszczyńska-Grabias z PAN prezentuje referat "Komunizm versus nazizm? Niezdrowa spuźcizna Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej przez pryzmat orzeczeń Europejskiego Trybunału Praw Człowieka" (Communism equals or versus Nazism? Central and Eastern European Unwholesome Legacy in ECtHR) podczas panelu "Nazywanie zbrodni, spisywanie historii: rola edukacyjna sądów (II)". Nagranie tłumaczone na język polski.

Konferencja "Prawne ramy pamięci. Sprawiedliwość okresu transformacji w Europie Środkowej i Wschodniej", Warszawa 27-29 listopada 2013.

language: Polish
subtitles: none
duration: 00:21:01
Photo of the publication Nazywanie zbrodni, spisywanie historii: rola edukacyjna sądów (I) – dyskusja

Nazywanie zbrodni, spisywanie historii: rola edukacyjna sądów (I) – dyskusja

language: Polish
subtitles: none
duration: 00:43:39

Dyskusja podczas panelu "Nazywanie zbrodni, spisywanie historii: rola edukacyjna sądów (I)". Joachim Savelsberg, Ivor Sokolić, Magdalena Saryusz-Wolska, Marek Osiel, Adam Czarnota. Nagranie tłumaczone na język polski.

Konferencja "Prawne ramy pamięci. Sprawiedliwość okresu transformacji w Europie Środkowej i Wschodniej", Warszawa 27-29 listopada 2013.

language: Polish
subtitles: none
duration: 00:43:39
Photo of the publication Mark Osiel komentuje panel Nazywanie zbrodni, spisywanie historii: rola edukacyjna sądów (I)

Mark Osiel komentuje panel "Nazywanie zbrodni, spisywanie historii: rola edukacyjna sądów (I)"

language: Polish
subtitles: none
duration: 00:15:34

Komentarz Marka Osiela do panelu "Nazywanie zbrodni, spisywanie historii: rola edukacyjna sądów (I)". Nagranie tłumaczone na język polski.

Konferencja "Prawne ramy pamięci. Sprawiedliwość okresu transformacji w Europie Środkowej i Wschodniej", Warszawa 27-29 listopada 2013.

language: Polish
subtitles: none
duration: 00:15:34
Photo of the publication Obrazy III Rzeszy w niemieckiej sferze publicznej 1945-49 – Magda Saryusz-Wolska

Obrazy III Rzeszy w niemieckiej sferze publicznej 1945-49 – Magda Saryusz-Wolska

language: Polish
subtitles: none
duration: 00:18:32

Referat Magdaleny Saryusz-Wolskiej z Uniwersytetu w Łodzi "Reedukacja, denazyfikacja, kwestia winy: obrazy III Rzeszy w niemieckiej sferze publicznej 1945-1949" (Reeducation, Denazification, Schuldfrage: Images of the Third Reich in the German Public Sphere 1945-1949) wygłoszony podczas panelu "Nazywanie zbrodni, spisywanie historii: rola edukacyjna sądów (I)". Nagranie tłumaczone na język polski.

Konferencja "Prawne ramy pamięci. Sprawiedliwość okresu transformacji w Europie Środkowej i Wschodniej", Warszawa 27-29 listopada 2013.

language: Polish
subtitles: none
duration: 00:18:32
Photo of the publication Bohaterowie, sądy i konflikty normatywne w Chorwacji – Ivor Sokolić

Bohaterowie, sądy i konflikty normatywne w Chorwacji – Ivor Sokolić

language: Polish
subtitles: none
duration: 00:19:15

Referat Ivor Sokolića z University College London "Bohaterowie, sądy i konflikty normatywne: jak procesy zbrodniarzy wojennych wpływają na budowanie norm w Chorwacji?" (Heroes, Courts and Normative Clashes: How Are Domestic War Crimes Trials Affecting Norm Building in Croatia?) wygłoszony podczas panelu "Nazywanie zbrodni, spisywanie historii: rola edukacyjna sądów (I)". Nagranie tłumaczone na język polski.

Konferencja "Prawne ramy pamięci. Sprawiedliwość okresu transformacji w Europie Środkowej i Wschodniej", Warszawa 27-29 listopada 2013.

language: Polish
subtitles: none
duration: 00:19:15
Photo of the publication Interwencje sądownicze w sprawie zbrodni przeciw prawom człowieka – Joachim Savelsberg

Interwencje sądownicze w sprawie zbrodni przeciw prawom człowieka – Joachim Savelsberg

language: Polish
subtitles: none
duration: 00:25:36

Referat Joachima Savelsberga z University of Minnesota "Interwencje sądownicze w sprawie zbrodni przeciw prawom człowieka: między bieżącymi reprezentacjami a pamięcią o przeszłości" (Court Interventions against Human Rights Perpetrators: Between Current Representations and Memories of the Past, panel "Nazywanie zbrodni, spisywanie historii: rola edukacyjna sądów (I)". Nagranie tłumaczone na język polski.

Konferencja "Prawne ramy pamięci. Sprawiedliwość okresu transformacji w Europie Środkowej i Wschodniej", Warszawa 27-29 listopada 2013.

language: Polish
subtitles: none
duration: 00:25:36
Photo of the publication Historical Justice And Its Present Legislation – Roundtable Discussion 4/4

Historical Justice And Its Present Legislation – Roundtable Discussion 4/4

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 01:16:34
Roundtable Discussion: Historical Justice And Its Present Legislation of the "Legal Frames of Memory. Transitional Justice in Central and Eastern Europe" conference, 27-29 November 2013, Warsaw, Poland.
language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 01:16:34
Photo of the publication Historical Justice And Its Present Legislation – Roundtable Discussion 3/4

Historical Justice And Its Present Legislation – Roundtable Discussion 3/4

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:14:27

Adam Czarnota's remarks during roundtable discussion "Historical Justice And Its Present Legislation".

"Legal Frames of Memory. Transitional Justice in Central and Eastern Europe" conference, 27-29 November 2013, Warsaw, Poland.

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:14:27
Photo of the publication Historical Justice And Its Present Legislation – Roundtable Discussion 2/4

Historical Justice And Its Present Legislation – Roundtable Discussion 2/4

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:15:26

Contribution by Yaroslav Pasko to roundtable discussion "Historical Justice And Its Present Legislation".

"Legal Frames of Memory. Transitional Justice in Central and Eastern Europe" conference, 27-29 November 2013, Warsaw, Poland.

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:15:26
Photo of the publication Historical Justice And Its Present Legislation – Roundtable Discussion 1/4

Historical Justice And Its Present Legislation – Roundtable Discussion 1/4

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:24:46

First part of the roundtable discussion: Historical Justice And Its Present Legislation. István Rév's remarks followed by discussion.

"Legal Frames of Memory. Transitional Justice in Central and Eastern Europe" conference, 27-29 November 2013, Warsaw, Poland.

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:24:46