Prof. Marcela Sălăgean

Prof. Marcela Sălăgean

Prof. Marcela Sălăgean

Marcela Sălăgean is a university professor at Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of History and Philosophy, Department of international studies and contemporary history. She is author, co-author and coordinator of 15 volumes and several dozen studies and articles dealing topics from the field of contemporary history of Romania and international relations.

Among the published volumes are: Transilvania în jocul de interese al Marilor Puteri,1940-1047(Transylvania in the game of interest of the Great Power 1940-1947) Cluj-Napoca, Ed. Mega, 2013; Eugeniu Neculcea, un diplomat regăsit/ Eugeniu Neculcea, un diplomate retrouve, Cluj-Napoca, Institutul Cultural Român, Centrul de Studii Transilvane, 2006; The Soviet Administration in Northern Transylvania (November 1944 – March 1945), East European Monographs, Boulder, Columbia University Press, New York, 2002